@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000607, author = {横山, 利枝}, issue = {21}, journal = {研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {40022191215, The purpose of the present study was to clarify support for nurses working in nursery schools. The targets of the study comprised 759 nurses who belonged to the National Nursery School Public Health Nurse and Nurse Liaison Council. A self-administered questionnaire was mailed and responses were received from 182 persons (response rate:24%). In the present study, the content of the free responses to the question “What kind of support do you think nurses need to work at daycare centers?” from the questionnaire was analyzed. The results revealed that support thought to be necessary for nurses working in nursing schools consisted of [Work environment where nursery school nurses can fully utilize their expertise] such as , and ; [Establishment of expertise as nursery school nurses] including , and ; and [Network of nursery school nurses] such as , and , 本研究の目的は、保育所に勤務する看護職者への支援について明らかにすることである。研究対象は、全国保育園保健師看護師連絡会に所属する看護職759名で、自記式質問紙を郵送し、182名から回答を得た(回収率24%)。 今回は、実施した質問紙調査における「保育所で看護職が働くにあたってどのような支援が必要だと思うか」という問いへの自由記述の内容を分析対象とした。 結果、保育所で働く看護職が必要だと思う支援は、≪フリー配置・独立配置≫、≪待遇の改善≫、≪保育環境・施設設備の充実≫など【保育所看護職者としての専門性が発揮できる職場環境】と≪保育所看護職者・保育保健への理解≫、≪役割分担・役割の明確化≫、≪法的根拠・国の方針の明確化≫など【保育所看職者としての専門性の確立】、≪他園の看護職者とのつながり≫、≪情報共有の場≫、≪相談窓口≫など【保育所看護職者のネットワーク】であることがわかった。}, pages = {117--126}, title = {保育所看護職者が必要としている支援に関する一考察}, year = {2020} }