@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000526, author = {島川, 香織}, issue = {10}, journal = {教育総合研究叢書 = Studies on education}, month = {Mar}, note = {40021260702, 本研究は、保育士・幼稚園教諭を目ざす学生を対象とした音楽劇づくりの活動における言葉と音楽表現の連関についての実践報告である。替え歌の歌詞の内容とそれらにふさわしい作品選択を通して、主人公の心境や日常、ストーリーの予見や主人公側に味方した第三者的表現、主人公に対峙するキャラクターへの恐ろしさと勝利感、物語のハッピーエンド等が音楽表現された。物語における一瞬の緊張感と場面転換、劇的な場面における演出効果が音表現を通して為された。, This study is a practice report about the relation between words and music expression in the activity of the making of music drama for students to be a childcare person, kindergarten teacher. Through the work choice appropriate song for contents of the text of the parody, it was expressed in music chief character side of the story every day , the expression of state of mind of the chief character, foreknowledge of the story, the third party who took sides with a chief character, terror and the triumph to the character who confronted the chief character , the happy ending of the story. The feeling of strain of instant in the story and shift of scenery, the stage effect in a dramatic scene were done through sound expression.}, pages = {57--71}, title = {音楽劇づくりの活動における言葉と音楽表現の連関について}, year = {2017} }