@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000396, author = {川村 , 光}, issue = {6}, journal = {教育総合研究叢書}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 本論文の目的は,3県の小・中学校教師を対象に2011年に実施した質問紙調査の結果に基づいて,ライフコースの観点から彼らの被教育体験期の経験の現代的特性を究明することである。 その結果,以下のことが明らかになった。第一は,教職志望時期については,小学校教師は小学校の頃を,中学校教師は中学校の頃を指摘する者が多かったことである。第二は,教職選択の契機については,小・中学校教師ともに,被教育体験期に出会った教師,親や身内,教育実習の影響が強いことである。特に世代が若い者たちにおいては,出会った教師を指摘する割合が高い。第三は,教職活動を進めていく上での大 学時代までの有意義な経験については,小・中学校教師ともに,教師や友人との交流,大学時代に学校現場で直接子どもと接した経験があげられることである。なお,大学での養成教育期間においては,インフォーマルな経験だけでなく,フォーマルな大学教育経験が,入職後の教師の実践を支える重要な要素となってきていることがわかった。, The purpose of this study is to analyze the modern characteristic of the schooldays of teachers from the view of life course based on comparative data of quantitative investigations of primary school and junior high school teachers at three regions in 2011. From this survey, someimportant findings were drawn. First, the timing that many primary school teachers decided to become the teacher is their primary school days. Also the date that a lot of junior high school teachers reached a decision that they became the teacher is their junior high school days. Second, the significant opportunities that primary school and junior high school teachers chose a teacher as their future occupation are to meet teachers in their school lives, to communicate with their parents or relatives and to have teacher training. To communicate with teachers in their schooldays is especially more important for young generation to decide to become a teacher. Third, the significant experience in the schooldays of primary school and junior high school teachers to do teaching practice and run their school at present are to communicate with teachers and friends and to directly educate students in school in their university days. Not only informal experience in their university days but also formal one based on the teacher training curriculum is becoming the essential to support their present teaching practice.}, pages = {51--69}, title = {教師の成長の現代的特性―小・中学校教師の被教育体験期への注目―}, year = {2013}, yomi = {カワムラ, アキラ} }