@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000355, author = {中西一彦 and Kazuhiko NAKANISHI}, journal = {研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 新学習指導要領には「新聞」という言葉が多く盛り込まれている。新聞活用には「新聞に親しむ」「新聞を読む」「新聞で考える」という三段階がある。新しく教科書教材として取り上げられた新聞活用のための教材に照らし合わせて,この三段階の整合性を考える。今回は1社の4年生,5年生,6年生の教科書新聞教材を対象に,実践をより効果的に行うための必要事項を挙げることとした。事前の準備を周到に行っておくこと,特に子どもたちの実態,現状をしっかり把握し用意することをもとに考察を行った。, The word "newspaper" can be frequently seen in new educational guidelines. There are three steps for utilizing newspaper as teaching materials. The first step is to be familiar with newspaper. The second step is to read the newspaper. The third step is to think about what is read. Considering the three steps of the newspaper's practical use as teaching materials was taken into consideration. Following the necessary matters in using newspapers effectively, specifically by using these as teaching materials for 4th, 5th and 6th graders, was decided. Preparing well and understanding real situation and features of children were also considered.}, pages = {161--173}, title = {教科書新聞教材活用のための必要事項の一考察}, volume = {13}, year = {2012} }