@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000271, author = {清水, 美知子 and シミズ, ミチコ and SHIMIZU, Michiko}, journal = {研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 本稿では、子育て家庭が支え合い,育ち合う子育て支援活動について,兵庫県稲美町の子育てひろば「はらっぱ」を事例にとりあげ考察する。「はらっぱ」は2000年10月,幼児をもつ母親4人により子育てサークルとして発足した。現在はスタッフも30人に増え,稲美町社会福祉協議会に所属する「"子育てをもっと愉しむための活動を企画・運営する"子育てボランティアグループ」として活動している。「はらっぱ」の特徴は,当事者である親自身が主体的に関わり,参加者みんなの思いが集まってできる「場の力」を重視していることで、子どもや親自身の成長を共に喜び合える,育ち合いの場作りをめざしているという。本稿では,「はらっぱ」誕生から今日に至る7年余りの活動を紹介するとともに,子育て支援のあるべき方向性について考える。, In this paper, child raising activities in which families raising children support each other and grow up together are considered, taking Harappa, a place for parents and children at Inami Town in Hyogo Prefecture as a case study. Harappa was startede as a child raising group by 4 mothers with infants in October,2000. The number of the staff has increased to 30, and it works as a child raising volunteer group belonging to the social welfare coucil of Inami Town, and engages in "planning and managing of the activities to find more joy in child raising." Harappa is characterized in that parents themselves are actively involed in its activities and that a high valus is placed on "the power of the place" created by the combined feelings of all the participants. They say they aim to create a place where they can grow up together, and all of them can share joy in the growth of not only the children but the parents themselves. This paper details 7 year's activbities of Harappa from its origin to the present as well as considers which direction child raising support should go.}, pages = {109--125}, title = {育ち合いの子育て支援活動 : 親子ひろば「はらっぱ」を事例として}, volume = {9}, year = {2008} }