@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000270, author = {窪田, 八洲洋 and クボタ, ヤスヒロ and KUBOTA, Yasuhiro}, journal = {研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 本研究ノートの目的は、古今東西を通して,知的活動が最後まで衰えなかった「生涯現役」の諸先輩の履歴を分析し,少子高齢社会における「介護・医療制度」のあり方に関する提言をすることにある。一例として「予防介護」をさらに展開・強化する施策のひとつとして,中高年層が生涯にわたって「社会の一員としていきいき生きる」手段として「若者と同じ学問の場で再び学ぶ」ための学費助成も考慮した受け入れシステムの構築について提案する。ただし,本報は,現状分析と問題の提起にとどめ,具体的な提案については第2報で行う予定である。, The purpose of this study Note was to research the relationships between Aging and Intellectual-Activities. First of all, I was to investigate the relationships between Aging and Intellectual-Activities of the famous successive persons from ancient Greece to today in the world. The results of this investigated would seem that continual intellectual-works in aging was activated Life and was not needs the support of others until at the moment of death. Therefore, something of the National Budget for supports of aging persons have to use on the intellectual-works in aging. I shall have developed the support system on the intellectual-works for aging persons that will have been being used the senior's "TERAKOYA" we named.}, pages = {89--98}, title = {知的活動と生涯現役に関する研究ノート(1)}, volume = {9}, year = {2008} }