@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000265, author = {吉田, 桂子 and / / and ヨシダ, ケイコ and / / and Yoshida, Keiko and Williams, Gerald and Aliponga, Jonathan and Luk, Hector}, journal = {研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), ここ数年,日本を含めアジア諸国の政府は,学校の英語教育において,教員・文法中心の授業から学生・会話中心の授業に移行させる方針を打ち出しているが,実際その方針通りには授業が進んでいないというのが現状である。そのことをふまえ,著者は2007年夏にベトナムの小・中学校や大学の英語授業観察と教員へのインタビューを実施し,どのような指導法が実践されているか,また教員が自分の授業をどのように感じているかを調査した。その結果,小学校ではcommunicativeであった学生や指導法が,中学校の文法中心の授業で,徐々にその特徴が弱まっていることがわかった。また早期英語教育を受けておらず,英語を使用する機会が少ない現在の大学生は,発音の学習に苦労しており,教員もcommunicativeなアクティビティの必要性を実感し,授業内で様々な工夫していることがわかった。教員間で授業を観察し合い,また相談し合えるネットワーク作りが必要であることを実感した。, Nowadays the governments of Japan and other Asian countries have a common policy of communicative language teaching in foreign language classes at schools. In daily classrooms, however, the policy cannot always be realized. Based on this reality, the authors conducted English class observations and interviews with teachers at local schools in Vietnam, ranging from primary to college level, in order to discover what activities they employed were really communicative and effective to raise the communicative skills of their students and what they thought about their own classes. Despite the data limitation, the results revealed the tendency that the communicative competence of the students are somewhat better in primary schools than in later or higher educations. Some teachers and students admitted that college students, especially those who had not received primary English education, were struggling in acquiring proper or intelligible pronunciation and communicative skills of English. Therefore, the teachers were making their best efforts to create and try communicative activities in their classes. The authors assumed that those teachers need networks among them where they can observe classes given by colleague teachers and improve their own teaching approaches in daily classes.}, pages = {35--44}, title = {ベトナムにおける英語授業観察}, volume = {9}, year = {2008} }