@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000248, author = {尊鉢, 隆史 and ソンパチ, タカシ and SOMPACHI, Takashi}, journal = {研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 現在テレビで盛んに行なわれているスポーツ中継では,競技の進行や各チームの記録,成績を紹介し視聴者を楽しませている。チームの様子や選手の記録などの情報は,事前に取材することによって準備することができるが,刻々と変化する競技の進行状況や,その途中の公式記録をいち早く発表し報道するためには,失敗が許されない競技運営システムが築き上げられている。駅伝競走の記録情報処理は,手計算による時代から,そろばん,電卓,コンピュータによる計算と変化していった。また,記録収集の方法も人が運ぶ方法から,通信機器の利用による方法へと発展し,コンピュータ機器の発展と相まって,情報伝達及び記録計算システムを総合的に機熊させることによりテレビ報道を通じて一般の市民の方々への理解を深めた。競技会運営がここまでに至った経過には,日本陸上競技連盟が主催する大会について報道機関,主催競技団体が互いに協力し合いスポーツマネージメントの力が社会に対するスポーツ環境の改善という役割を果たしている。, Today, the general public can enjoy watching many sports events on TV by following the progress of games and the records of teams' performance as well as the results of games and events on a real time basis. Information on the conditions of teams and the records of athletes can be obtained in advance, but in order to promptly announce to the press on the situation of ongoing games and events that change from time to time, like marathon and Ekiden races, and on their officials lap time as well, it is necessary to establish a well-organized management system of athletic events. This system should never fail. The method of processing records and information on Ekiden races has undergone changes : from the age of calculating by hand or Japanese abacus of 'soroban' in the 1950s-1960s, to the time of calculating by pocket calculator, and to the period of calculating by computer. The method of collecting and carrying records and information has also developed : from the time of carrying them by person to the time of using communication machines and equipment. In parallel with the development of computer machines and systems, the method of transmitting information and the method of computing records have combined to create a comprehensive system that would help general citizens deepen their understanding of Ekiden races by releasing information through TV. The operation method of athletic events has developed to such an extent as described above thanks to cooperation between news media and organizations running individual athletic events held under the auspice of the Japan Association of Athletics Federation, This paper deals with the synergy effects of sport management endeavors of these kinds that play a role to improve the environment of sports in our society.}, pages = {13--25}, title = {駅伝競走における記録情報処理の変遷(<特集>スポーツマネジメント)}, volume = {8}, year = {2007} }