@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001142, author = {塚原, 修一}, issue = {16}, journal = {教育総合研究叢書, Research Institute for Education, Kansai University of International Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {日本の2010年代になされた官邸主導の政策形成のうち,高等教育分野にかかわる事例として教育のいわゆる無償化政策と研究開発政策をとりあげた。無償化は高校,幼児教育,高等教育(修学支援新制度)の順に,それぞれ民主党,公明党,自民党が主導して実現した。非正規雇用が雇用者の4割弱となるなかで,教育費を社会的に負担するこれまでの方式が機能しがたくなり,公費による人材の再生産に着手されたとみえる。研究開発政策はイノベーション政策への展開を民主党が構想し,自民党が実現して内閣府が強化された。現在は10兆円の基金による大学支援が準備されている。革新的なイノベーションをめざすハイリスクな研究開発事業には失敗の可能性があり,それを避けようとして革新性を低めれば事業の意味が乏しくなる。そのことを直視した政策展開が望まれる。, Among Japan's cabinet-led policy making in the 2010s, this paper focuses on the cases of the free education policy and the research and development policy in the field of higher education. The free education policy was realized in the following order: high school, early childhood education, and higher education, led by the Democratic Party, the New Komeito, and the Liberal Democratic Party, respectively. In the era when non-regular employment accounted for about 40% of all employees, the conventional method of paying for a part of household education expenses to the public has become less effective. It seems that the government started to reproduce human resources with public funds. The research and development policy aimed to expand into an innovation policy, and was conceived by the Democratic Party and the Liberal Democratic Party. The latter realized it and strengthened the Cabinet Office. A fund of 10 trillion yen is currently being prepared to support universities. High-risk research and development aimed at revolutionary innovation has the inherent possibility of failure. However, avoiding the risk of failure will reduce the innovativeness and make the policy meaningless. The policy development based on this premise is expected.}, pages = {155--168}, title = {日本の2010年代の高等教育政策 -教育のいわゆる無償化と研究開発を事例に-}, year = {2023} }