@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001112, author = {鳥居, 深雪 and 岡田, 智}, issue = {24}, journal = {研究紀要, The bulletin of Kansai University of International Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {バックグラウンド:幼稚園・保育所において,グレーゾーンと言われる達障害の疑いのある幼児が増加しており,多くの教師が支援に苦慮している。実行機能は,目標に向かって,思考,行動,情動などを制御する能力であり,特別な支援ニーズに関わっていると考えられる。幼児の要支援度について実行機能の視点から検討する必要がある。 目的:幼児の実行機能と要支援度の関連について調査し,実証的に明らかにする。 方法:兵庫県の公立幼稚園に協力の承諾を得て調査を実施した。4歳児20名,5歳児38名の計58名について,担任3名が評価を行った。幼児の実行機能の評価にはBehavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function -Preschool version: BRIEF -Pを用いた。要支援度の評価には鳥居(2009)の支援ニーズチェック一覧表を用いた。要支援度の「社会性」と「認知言語」をそれぞれ従属変数,PRIEF-Pの下位尺度である「抑制」「切り替え」「感情調整」「ワーキングメモリ」「計画・整理」を独立変数として重回帰分析を行った。 結果:実行機能と要支援度には相関が認められた。「社会性」に関しては,「抑制」と「ワーキングメモリ」の影響が(R2 =.747 ,p < .001),「認知言語」に関しては,「計画・整理」と「感情調整」の影響が認められた(R2 =.597 ,p < .005)。 結論:幼児の要支援度は,実行機能と深く関連している。特別な支援が必要な幼児に対して,彼らのニーズと実行機能を考慮した保育を行うことで,より良い成長が期待できるだろう。, Background: Recently, suspected neurodevelopmental disabilities in young children with special needs have increased. When these children enter kindergarten, many teachers find it difficult to support them. Therefore, the problems in children’s executive functions (EFs)—the ability to control thoughts, behaviors, and emotions toward a goal—should be examined in light of their special needs (SNs). Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between young children’s EF and SNs. Method: A total of 58 young children (20 four-year-olds and 38 five-year-olds) were evaluated by three homeroom teachers in public kindergartens in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Preschool version (BRIEF-P) was used to evaluate the children’s EFs. Torii’s Support Needs Check List was used to evaluate their SNs. Two multiple regression analyses were performed with “Social Competence” and “Cognition and Language” as the dependent variables and the Clinical scales of BRIEF-P “Inhibit,” “Shift,” “Emotional Control,” “Working Memory,” and “Plan/Organize” as the independent variables. Results: EF and the level of SNs were found to be correlated. Moreover, “Inhibit” and “Working Memory” predict “Social competence” (R2 = .747, p < .001). Finally, “Plan/Organize” and “Emotional Control” predict “Cognition and Language” (R2 = .597, p < .005). Conclusion: Young children’s SNs are closely related to EF. Providing childcare to young children with SNs considering their SNs and EFs will result in positive outcomes as they grow.}, pages = {117--124}, title = {幼稚園教諭の要支援度評価と幼児の実行機能の関係}, year = {2023} }