@article{oai:kuins.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001056, author = {清水, 美知子}, issue = {23}, journal = {研究紀要, The bulletin of Kansai University of International Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper considers housework as it is depicted in the television drama My Housekeeper Nagisa-san, broadcast in 2020 in Japan. This dramatic series depicts the process by which Mei, a 28-year-old single woman who has a successful career but dislikes housework, discovers her own meaning of happiness through her interactions with Nagisa-san, a 50-year-old man who comes to work for her as her housekeeper. The theme of this drama could be described as liberation from stereotypes. The main character, Mei, has developed a complex because of her inability to do housework, which she considers a sign of a fully mature woman. But through experiencing Nagisa-san’s kind, warm support, she learns the importance of depending on others sometimes, instead of trying too hard to do everything herself. She also had considered housework to be the lowest level of work compared to other kinds of work in the labor market, but through observing Nagisa-san’s work she comes to recognize housework as work that provides value through supporting people’s daily living and enriching their lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the burden of housework,and this can tend to lead to a buildup of stress. But what people need is freedom from pressure. This television series reminds us that outsourcing of housework is an option., 本稿は,2020年に放映されたテレビドラマ『私の家政夫ナギサさん』に描かれた家事労働について考察するものである。仕事はできるが家事が苦手な28歳の独身女性メイが,家政夫としてやってきた50歳の男性ナギサさんとの交流を通して,自分にとっての“幸せの形”を発展するまでの過程を描いたドラマである。この作品のテーマは,固定観念からの解放であろう。主人公のメイは,女性は家事ができて一人前と思い込み,家事ができないことにコンプレックスを抱いていた。しかし,ナギサさんの優しく温かな支えに触れて,一人で全部をやろうと頑張りすぎず,時には人に任せることの大切さを思い知る。また彼女は,家事労働を市場労働に比べて一段低いものと見なしていた。それが,ナギサさんの仕事ぶりを通して,家事が人びとの生活を与え,人生を豊かにする「価値ある仕事」であると認識するようになる。コロナ禍で家事の負担は増え,ストレスもたまりがちである。必要なのは心のゆとりである。家事のアウトソーシングという選択肢があることを,このドラマは私たちに気づかせてくれる。}, pages = {113--128}, title = {テレビドラマ『私の家政夫ナギサさん』にみる家事労働 -固定観念からの解放-}, year = {2022} }